Friday, May 30, 2008

A Tragic Loss

Mary Ann Durso, the driving force behind this nation's #1 local Habitat for Humanity organization (right here in Collier County) died yesterday.

I never met Mary Ann in person, though we've spoken on the phone several times. She was lively, gracious, and inspirational - just talking to her got me fired up to redouble my own efforts to help the community, a feeling that would stay with me for hours after I put down the phone.

I had meant to interview her, when I got around to it, as a Neapolitan of Note for our e-newsletter and for e Bella Magazine. Clearly, I'll never get around to it now. I blew my chance.

This community has lost a tremendous friend and servant to those in need. Mary Ann Durso will be sorely missed.

To read more about this remarkable lady: